Centre For Languages and Communication: Elocution at Its Best

Centre for Languages and Communication (CLC), SGT University, Gurugram was set up exclusively to upscale the communication skills, people skills and overall personality development, across all programs, for all the students, keeping in mind the trending applicability requirements in the corporate set-ups.

Hello! Guten Tag, Bonjour, Ni Hao, Salam, Namaste, Khurumjari. Centre for Languages and Communication (CLC), SGT University, Gurugram was set up exclusively to upscale the communication skills, people skills and overall personality development, across all programs, for all the students, keeping in mind the trending applicability requirements in the corporate set-ups. CLC has a team of vibrant and energetic faculty members who conduct communication skills, aptitude building, foreign language, and personality development sessions in 14 faculties

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy goes the saying…

Holistic development of a student is at the core of all that an educational facility does. To add another dimension of humanity, creativity and fruitful engagement beyond the prescribed courses, CLC has inaugurated EngWings- The Literary Club on 7th February 2018. Brewing discussions, reading books, watching documentaries, cultural assimilation with the world at large and much more is the focal point of this initiative. Since the inception of EngWings- The Literary Club, the following events were conducted for the students and by the students with assistance from CLC Team. Recently, EngWings under the aegis of CLC inaugurated Wall of Art on November 16, 2018. One of our talented Engineering students, Manish prepared sketches which covered variety of themes like love, nature, freedom, women empowerment.

CLC Team engages students with various activities focusing on Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Each student undergoes a journey starting with Listening and Speaking activities such as impromptu, narration, presentation, vocabulary building, quizzes, role play, mock interview, mock panel discussion, mock group discussion, to Reading and Writing activities such as paragraph writing, précis writing, essay writing, comprehension, case studies, reports, projects, application, various types of letters. The English language is emphasized and encouraged as the preferred mode of communication across the university. Language lab with Wordsworth software has been set up in the Engineering block to develop conversational skills in the English language. Students are made aware of various accents from across the world and made to practice listening and spoken skills. Digitally equipped language studio acts as a perfect platform for language and soft skills related activities.

The English language figures very prominently on the world map. Knowledge, communication skills and positive attitude are the three vectors of employability. For all the organizations, regardless of their size, effective communication is the way to success. In today’s times, we are all living in a global village. Securing a job and able to adapt to the work environment is a major step and managing this transition requires preparation beyond the curriculum prescribes. Tech-savvy students are engaged through multiple tools and mediums. CLC Team tries to bridge this gap of need and supply for the young upcoming professionals. For the globe-trotting youth and soon to be professionals, German and French languages have also been offered through Choice Based Credit System since January 2018. Being multi-lingual is undeniably an asset for exploiting career opportunities.

Apart for regular classes, CLC Team conducts regular Workshops for Faculty and students.CLC conducts regular Workshops for Faculty and students. CLC Team members assist IQAC to facilitate Capacity Building Workshops for skills enhancement of the faculty of SGT University.

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