Transitional Curriculum Program (Ayurshitij) 2024-25
Updated on: November 25, 2024

Day4 Transitional Curriculum Program (Ayurshitij) 2024-25
Day 4: Transitional Curriculum program (Ayurshitij) 2024-25 was a perfect blend of education, professional growth, and institutional learning. The sessions began with an enlightening talk on the Introduction to Medical Systems by Dr. Rekha Phull, Professor and Hod in kayachikitsa department, followed by an inspiring discussion on Ayurveda’s Global Reach and Opportunities by Dr. Chitra, Associate professor and Hod in Ras Shastra department,highlighting the vast potential of Ayurveda on an international scale.
Our transformative journey continued with an enriching lineup of activities, starting with a session by Dr. Sunita, Assistant Professor, FNYS on Stress Management and Yoga, where participants engaged in meditation and relaxation techniques to promote mental well-being. This was followed by an insightful session by Dr. Shweta Tiwari, Assistant Professor, FABS on Gender Sensitization, fostering awareness and inclusivity among students.
Our Guest Speaker, Dr. Ravi Rao S. Principal KAMC, Mangalore enlightened the students with his Motivational Lecture to pursue their journey with aim and passion.
The day concluded on a cheerful note with Recreational Activities, creating an atmosphere of joy, camaraderie, and team spirit.