sparsh SVSP


Spreading Positivity And Radiant Smiles Happily (SPARSH)

Introduction about SGT Ka SPARSH
(Best Practice)

SGT University – Gurugram, Haryana has been established with the objective of imparting quality education in accordance with the psychological needs of the learner and believes in creating and disseminating knowledge and skills in core and frontier areas through innovative educational programs, research, consultation services and publishing research studies. It is trying to develop a new cadre of professionals with a scientific / professional competence, deep sense of ethics and commitment to the code of professional conduct.

The University offers several educational programs in management, finance, banking, insurance, accounting, law, information technology, arts, commerce, education and Science & technology at bachelors, master’s and PhD level on full-time campus or distance learning formats.

The Faculty of Education a constituent of the SGTU University, Haryana (IUT) is established to promote quality education, research, training, and consultation in teacher training with a global perspective to meet the challenges of the fast-changing trends in the field of education as well as Special Education. The Educational Program offered by the Faculty of Education has been recognized by the National Council of Teacher Education, New Delhi. The Faculty of Education has conceived and developed a unique Educational Program to train the teachers to meet the need for developing human resources to enable them to acquire knowledge and develop competencies and skills to impart education and training effectively to children as well as all other children and this being teachers for all children emerging challenges of the competitive environment. For this, the curriculum adopted by SGT is exploratory and reflective. An applied approach to learning is followed keeping in view the national and international standards of education and services. Emphasis is also given to holistic development of the children to meet the ever- changing demands of services. The university endeavours to excel in building capacities to empower the Education Sector.

SVSP Sparsh


  • To cater educational services by reaching unreached Persons.
  • To provide facilities that will help children overcome barriers and reduce the impact of best educational service.
  • To improve the mental health of school students, parents, teaching, and non-teaching staff through rigorous quality assessment and educational interventions aimed at fostering holistic development for each participant, incorporating Yogic and Physiotherapeutic interventions, and additionally equipping them with entrepreneurial skills.
SGT ka Sparsh


  • To determine the needs and improve the quality of services through an ongoing assessment programme for Students, Parents, Teaching & Non-Teaching.
  • To assist Students, Parents, Teaching & Non-Teaching in enrolment through one-on-one basis followed by intervention.
  • To provide quality and timely services for Students, Parents, Teaching & Non-Teaching, such as Counselling, Therapy and Educational Services.
  • To capacitate Students, Parents, Teaching & Non-Teaching for equitable participation equally with others in society and provide services for equal opportunities.
Sparsh at SGT

Justification Necessity and importance of the solution:

The focus for two main reasons:

  • Students from different socio-economic backgrounds will get to know each other: University students will be mixing with the target beneficiary of the project through various educational activities. This approach will help the target group attain quality of life.
  • Children at risk can be easily identified and intervened.
  • SGTU will provide assessment and evaluation by undertaking case history taking, and demonstrations provided for students & parents for carrying out the skill training or therapy program at home.

Strategy Implementation

  • Training of the Faculty Members :
    Training faculty members for a SPARSH school is crucial to ensure a supportive and inclusive learning environment. This training encompasses understanding effective teaching strategies, adapting curriculum and materials, fostering empathy and sensitivity, and utilizing assistive technologies. Ongoing professional development reinforces these principles, fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowerment within the school community.

  • Baseline of the villages :
    Establishing a baseline of the villages surrounding the SPARSH school is essential for effective community integration and support. This information serves as a foundation for tailored outreach programs, advocacy efforts, and collaboration with local stakeholders to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with disabilities and their families.

  • Selection of the two villages :
    After conducting thorough baseline assessments among ten villages for the SPARSH school, two villages have been selected based on several criteria. The selected villages demonstrate promising potential for collaboration and community engagement, offering an ideal environment to establish the disability school and foster inclusive practices.

  • Meeting with the stakeholders of the villages:
    A meeting with stakeholders from the selected villages for the SPARSH school is crucial to ensure community involvement and support. During this meeting, representatives from local government, educational institutions, healthcare providers, community leaders, parents of children with disabilities, and individuals with disabilities themselves come together to discuss the vision, objectives, and needs of the disability school. This collaborative effort aims to garner input, address concerns, build partnerships, and foster a sense of ownership within the community, laying the groundwork for a successful and sustainable inclusive education initiative.

  • Establishment of the SGT Ka SPARSH in School:
    The establishment of "SGT Ka Sparsh" in the school marks a significant milestone in fostering holistic development and empowerment among students. SGT Ka Sparsh encompasses a range of initiatives aimed at providing specialized care, educational support, and vocational training tailored to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. This program prioritizes inclusive practices, promotes skill-building, and fosters a supportive environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Through SGT Ka Sparsh, the school endeavours to nurture talents, build confidence, and facilitate the integration of students into mainstream society.

  • Baseline of the subjects of the SPARSH :
    Conducting a baseline assessment of the subjects within the SPARSH School curriculum is essential to tailor educational experiences to meet the diverse needs of students. By establishing this baseline, educators can develop individualized learning plans, integrate assistive technologies, and implement inclusive teaching strategies to ensure that all students have equitable access to quality education and opportunities for academic success.

  • SPARSH for school students :
    SPARSH School will provide a nurturing and inclusive educational environment tailored to the unique needs of school students with disabilities. Through personalized learning plans, specialized support services, and a comprehensive curriculum, SPARSH aims to empower students to reach their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. With a focus on accessibility, inclusion, and innovation, SPARSH will foster a supportive community where students can thrive, develop essential skills, and build confidence to successfully navigate their educational journey and beyond.

  • SPARSH for Non-Teaching Staff :
    Within SPARSH, non-teaching staff play a vital role in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for students. Their duties extend beyond administrative tasks to encompass providing compassionate care, facilitating accessibility, and promoting the overall well-being of students with disabilities. By embracing empathy, dedication, and a commitment to inclusion, they contribute significantly to creating a nurturing and empowering educational experience for all students at SPARSH.

  • SPARSH for the Parents/Guardians :
    SPARSH will recognize the pivotal role of parents and guardians in the educational journey of their children with disabilities. Through regular communication, workshops, and support networks, SPARSH ensures that parents/guardians are actively involved and well-informed about their child's progress, individualized learning plans, and available resources. Additionally, SPARSH provides guidance on navigating external support services, advocating for their child's needs, and fostering a supportive home environment conducive to their child's development and well-being. By fostering a collaborative partnership between the school and parents/guardians, SPARSH will aim to empower families to actively participate in their child's educational journey and promote their overall success and happiness.

  • SPARSH for Community People excluding Parents/Guardian :
    SPARSH will extend its outreach to the broader community, aiming to foster understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with disabilities. Through community engagement initiatives such as awareness campaigns, open houses, and volunteer opportunities, SPARSH educates community members about the unique abilities and contributions of students with disabilities. By promoting inclusivity and empathy, SPARSH endeavours to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create a more inclusive society where individuals of all abilities are valued and empowered to thrive. Through collaborative efforts, SPARSH will aim to build a community that embraces diversity and promotes equal opportunities for all its members.

  • SPARSH for School Students and Teachers :
    SPARSH will serve as a beacon of inclusivity and empathy for both school students and teachers alike. For students, SPARSH offers a nurturing and supportive environment where they can learn, grow, and thrive regardless of their abilities. Through personalized education plans, specialized support services, and a compassionate approach to teaching, students receive the individual attention they need to reach their full potential. Meanwhile, teachers at SPARSH benefit from ongoing professional development opportunities focused on inclusive teaching practices, disability awareness, and effective communication strategies, empowering them to create inclusive classrooms where every student feels valued and supported in their educational journey.

  • SPARSH for School Student and Parents/Guardian :
    SPARSH will serve as a bridge of support and empowerment for both school students and their parents/guardians. Students receive tailored education plans, specialized services, and a nurturing environment to foster their academic, social, and emotional growth. Meanwhile, parents/guardians are actively involved in their child's educational journey through regular communication, workshops, and access to resources, ensuring they play a crucial role in their child's development and success. Together, SPARSH will create a collaborative partnership between students, parents/guardians, and the school community, fostering a supportive environment where every student can thrive.

  • SPARSH for Teacher and Non-Teaching Staff :
    SPARSH will provide a holistic support system for both teachers and non-teaching staff, recognizing their integral roles in fostering an inclusive educational environment. Teachers benefit from professional development opportunities focused on inclusive teaching practices, disability awareness, and effective communication strategies, enabling them to better meet the diverse needs of students. Meanwhile, non-teaching staff members contribute to the school's supportive atmosphere by providing compassionate care, facilitating accessibility, and promoting the overall well-being of students with disabilities. Through collaboration and ongoing support, SPARSH ensures that both teachers and non-teaching staff are equipped with the tools and resources necessary to create a nurturing and empowering learning environment for all students.

  • SPARSH for Non-Teaching and Parents :
    SPARSH will recognize the vital roles played by both non-teaching staff and parents in supporting students with disabilities. Non-teaching staff members contribute to the school's inclusive environment by providing essential care, facilitating accessibility, and promoting the overall well-being of students. Meanwhile, parents are actively engaged in their child's educational journey through regular communication, workshops, and access to resources, ensuring they play a crucial role in their child's development and success. Through collaboration and mutual support, SPARSH will foster a strong partnership between non-teaching staff and parents, creating a supportive community where every student can thrive.

  • SPARSH for Students, Teachers :
    SPARSH will foster as a beacon of inclusivity and empowerment for both students and teachers. Students benefit from personalized education plans, specialized support services, and a nurturing environment that fosters their academic, social, and emotional growth. Meanwhile, teachers receive ongoing professional development opportunities focused on inclusive teaching practices, disability awareness, and effective communication strategies. Through collaboration and support, SPARSH will create an educational ecosystem where students and teachers alike are empowered to reach their full potential and contribute positively to the inclusive school community.

  • SPARSH for Teacher and Non-Teaching :
    SPARSH will provide a comprehensive support network for both teachers and non-teaching staff, recognizing their indispensable roles in creating an inclusive educational environment. Meanwhile, non-teaching staff members contribute to the school's supportive atmosphere by providing essential care, facilitating accessibility, and promoting the overall well-being of students. Through collaboration and ongoing support, SPARSH will ensure that both teachers and non-teaching staff are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to foster a nurturing and empowering learning environment for all students.

  • SPARSH for Non-Teaching and Parents :
    SPARSH will value the contributions of both non-teaching staff and parents in creating a supportive environment for students with disabilities. Non-teaching staff members play a crucial role in providing essential care, facilitating accessibility, and ensuring the well-being of students. Meanwhile, parents are actively engaged in their child's educational journey through regular communication, workshops, and access to resources, empowering them to advocate effectively for their child's needs. Through collaboration and mutual support, SPARSH will foster a strong partnership between non-teaching staff and parents, ensuring a holistic approach to the well-being and success of every student.

  • SPARSH for Students, Teachers, Non-Teaching, Parents and Community :
    SPARSH will be a beacon of inclusivity, uniting students, teachers, non-teaching staff, parents, and the community in a shared mission of empowerment and support. Students receive personalized education plans, specialized services, and a nurturing environment to foster their holistic growth. Teachers and non-teaching staff undergo continuous training in inclusive practices and support services to ensure every student's needs are met effectively. Parents are actively engaged through workshops and resources, empowering them to advocate for their child's success. Additionally, SPARSH will foster community involvement through awareness campaigns and volunteer opportunities, promoting understanding and acceptance of individuals with disabilities. Together, this collaborative effort creates a supportive ecosystem where every individual can thrive.
svsp st SGT


  • Surveys :
    Distribute surveys to students, parents, teachers, and non-teaching staff to assess current communication methods, perceived challenges, and suggestions for improvement.

  • Focus Groups :
    Conduct focus group discussions with representatives from each stakeholder group to delve deeper into communication issues and gather qualitative insights.

  • Sample :
    50% people from 2 villages out of 10 villages will be prioritized for the study, each comprising 700 Students + 1400 Parents (Mother & Father) + 700 household community + 60 teaching and non-teaching community.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation :
    Regularly monitor the implementation of strategies and assess their impact through follow-up surveys, focus groups, and academic performance data analysis.

  • Outcome of Project :
    Develop quality of services through Education, Wellbeing, Yogic, Physiotherapy and Entrupeureship. Develop Intervention services for Students, Parents, Teaching &Non-Teaching, such as Counselling, Therapy and Education.
    Develop opportunities for Students, Parents, Teaching &Non-Teaching to build capacity to participate equally with others in society and provide services for equal opportunities. Develop Skill development program for the Students, Parents, Teaching &Non-Teaching.

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