Director- Campus (Administration)

Dr. Subodh Kumar
Dr. Subodh Kumar is the former Member Secretary of the Rehabilitation Council of India ( A Statutory Body of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, DEPwD, Govt. of India). He has 33 years of experience in the disability sector. He served the RCI for 25 years in various capacities, i.e., Assistant Director, Deputy Director (Academics), Member Secretary, and Secretary of the National Board of Examination in Rehabilitation (NBER), New Delhi. He also served as a Director (on deputation) at the State Institute for Research Training & Rehabilitation, Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Haryana
He has obtained a Master's Degree in Psychology from Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, and completed his Doctorate Degree (Special Education) from Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi.
Dr. Subodh Kumar, the Head of Administration of RCI, was responsible for the overall management and supervision of the works of the officers and employees of the Council and performed other duties as prescribed by the Council for its implementation all over the country. The Statutory works include the standardization of training programmes for 16 categories of professionals allocated, grant of approval to the eligible institutions and its monitoring, issuance of registration certificates, and maintenance of the Central Rehabilitation Register (CRR) under the RCI Act of 1992.
In addition, the key responsibilities include the overall administration and management of the National Board of Examination and Rehabilitation (NBER), the Open and Distance Learning Cell, Ex-officio Member of the General Council and Executive Committee of RCI, the highest policy decision body of the Council, various expert committee meetings, workshops, conferences, and seminars, vigilance matters, etc.
Dr. Subodh Kumar is a certified Rehabilitation Psychologist and special educator by the RCI. He was actively involved in academic and research activities and associated with some of the Govt. universities as Ph.D. Examiner at Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Sardar Patel University, Anand, etc.
Dr. Subodh Kumar visited Melbourne University, Australia, to develop the Competency-Based Inclusive Development (CBID) programme in collaboration with Melbourne University as per the bilateral MoU signed between the two countries. He also visited Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany, to present a research paper on inclusive Education. He also chaired several national and international conference sessions in the country.
During his tenure in RCI, he has contributed to the development of various training modules i.e. CBID programmes, in-service training, and sensitization programmes for key Govt. functionaries, Manual on Assessment & Accreditation of RCI’s approved institutions, Intellectual and Associated Disabilities, Understanding Behavioural Problems of Children with Intellectual Disability, Vision Documents of RCI and other publications. He was also instrumental in implementing the e-office system under the initiative of e-governance to streamline all the official activities of the Council, including the e-CRR portal for rehabilitation professionals and personnel.