Department of Nutrition & Dietetics

Nutrition and

Nutrition is a basic human need and a prerequisite to a healthy life. A proper diet is essential from the very early stages of life for proper growth, development, and to remain active. Dietetics is the science that signifies how food and nutrition affect human health. The field of dietetics has a strong emphasis on public health and a commitment to educating all about the importance of making proper dietary choices. This is an exciting time to study nutrition and dietetics.


The Department of Nutrition & Dietetics was established under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, SGT University in the year 2014. The vision and mission of the department are to create world-class committed Public health, Dietetics, Nutrition, and Food Science professionals who can contribute meaningfully to the social, economic, and health development of the country.

Nutrition & Dietetics

We're here to help you shape the future.

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