Treatments Undertaken In the Department
1. Conservative aesthetic procedures
- Bleaching
- Diaestema correction
- Veneers
- Recontouring and reshaping tooth
2. Restorative procedures
- Direct restorations Amalgam, composite, GIC restorations
- Indirect restorations inlays , onlays, indirect composite
3. Managament of traumatized teeth
- Restorations of crown and root fractures
- Splinting
- Reimplantations
- Reattachment of broken fragments
4. Endodontic therapy
- Hand and rotary Root canal treatments
- Single sitting root canal treatment
5. Post endodontic treatment
- Post and cores
- Crowns – metal, PFM, All ceramic
6. Surgical treatments and microsurgical procedures
- Hemi section/bicuspidization
- Periapical surgery
- Reimplantations
- Microscopic surgery
7. Retreatments
- Removal of separated instruments, obturating materials, post and cores
- Management of perforations, ledges, transporta
8. Vital pulp therapy
- Direct and indirect pulp capping
- Pulpotomy
- Apexogenesis and apexification
- revascularization