Dr. Shourya Tandon
Dr. Shourya Tandon, Associate Professor in the department of Public Health Dentistry presented paper presentation titled “Reorienting Approach to Dental Public Health Care - The Targeted Village Adoption Model, at the 21st Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry National Conference organised at Bhubaneswar from 17th to 19th November 2016. Dr. Shourya also chaired a PG Scientific paper presentation at the national conference.

Dr. Shourya Tandon, Professor in the department of Public Health Dentistry was awarded with the first prize for his paper presentation titled “Phantom Cigarette” – The New Age Silent Killer, at the 22nd Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry National Conference organised at Dhule, Maharashtra from 3rd to 5th November 2017. He highlighted the increasing use of Sugars in today’s world, its health related consequences and to look at possible status to equate sugar usage in similar manners to tobacco usage by the society. The idea of this research was to give a new dimension to the widespread presence of sugars in today’s world and to look at possible perception of university students in the similar manner as tobacco. This accolade highlighted the department’s continuous pursuit to carry forward good quality research keeping in mind the present trends in health related issues.

Dr Shourya Tandon was resource person panelist for discussion of upcoming National Oral Health Policy and was Moderator of lecture on “Preventive Dentistry: Theory to practice”, at the 13th National Convention of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry held at Maulana Azad medical college, New Delhi from 13th to 15th June, 2019. The theme for convention was “Advancing Public Health Dentistry Landscape in India”.

Dr. Shourya Tandon along with Mr. Dinesh Deswal, Mr. Amit Jangir guided the student team of Yashi Soni, Vinay Sehrawat, Preeti Kuhad, Ankit Yadav were awarded with 3rd Prize for projects titled “Developing boundaries to tobacco menace’ at Synergy 2022 organised by SGT University from 10th to 12th November 2022.

Dr. Shourya Tandon nominated as National Steering Group Member to National Oral Health Programme (NOHP), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, New Delhi.

Dr. Shourya Tandon Felicitated with Best Teacher Award by SGT University, Gurugram.

A Special Recognition was awarded to SGT University by the National Oral Health Program, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India for World Oral Health Day Celebrations 2024. Ms. Vandana Jain, Joint Secretary, MoHFW, Dr. L Swasticharan, Addl. DDG, Dte. GHS, MoHFW and Dr. Ritu Duggal, Chief CDER, AIIMS presented the award to SGT Dental College, SGT University, Gurugram at the Inauguration of 4th National Steering Group Meeting & Felicitation ceremony of World Oral Health Day on 12th November 2024 at NaRRIDS, AIIMS-Delhi.

Dr. Shourya Tandon as a nominated member to the “National Steering Group for Oral Health” for effective implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of NOHP in the country and for facilitating capacity building, advocacy, and policy issues for Oral Health, attended and engaged in various Brainstorming Meetings and event during the year at AIIMS, New Delhi; PGIMER, Chandigarh and MoHFW, New Delhi.

Dr. Sachin Chand
Chaired Scientific Session at 21st National IAPHD Conference held at KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar from 17th to 19th Nov 2016 (Theme: Preserving Public Health Dentistry in Challenging Times-Envisioning The Future)

Chaired Scientific Session at 23rd IAPHD National Conference held from 30th nov-2nd dec 2018 at Divya Jyoti college of dental sciences & research, Modinagar

Chaired Scientific Session at IAPHD National PG Convention held from 14th june-15th june 2019 at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi

Dr. Abhinav Bhargava
Chaired scientific session at 23rd IAPHD National Conference at DJ Dental College Modinagar held between 30th November & 2nd December 2018

Chaired scientific session at 13th IAPHD National Convention at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences New Delhi held between 14th & 15th June 2019

Dr. Bhavna
Dr. Bhavna, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Public Health Dentistry, chaired e-poster scientific session at 13th National PG Convention held at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi between 14th and 15th June 2019.

Dr. Charu Khurana
Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (IAPHD) organized the First ever National Virtual Conference COLLOQUIUM 2021 on 9th- 10th January 2021 in which Post Graduate students and Faculty members from Department of Public Health Dentistry actively participated and presented their research work. Dr. Charu Khurana, Faculty Member won the Best Scientific Paper Presentation Award on the study entitled ’Perception and Attitude towards Tele dentistry among Indian Dental Professionals in which she highlighted the importance of Tele dentistry in the light of current coronavirus pandemic resulting in restricted movement and affected healthcare system. She presented the views of Indian dentists towards adopting the tele dentistry model in future. All in all a rich scientific experience for the department and well appreciated in the form of an academic award for Dr. Charu Khurana.

Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (IAPHD) organized 14th National PG Convention at Faculty of Dental Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on 10th- 11th February 2023 in which faculty members from Department of Public Health Dentistry actively participated and presented their research work. Dr. Charu Khurana, Faculty Member won the Best Scientific Paper Presentation Award on the study entitled “Awareness, attitude and perception of compliance towards tobacco control legislations among the University students in Gurugram- An Exploratory Study”

Visual impairment is a global issue, leading to various difficulties and significantly affecting patient’s quality of life. A project titled “Empowering visually impaired individuals for good oral health 2.0” was conceptualised as an attempt to make this vulnerable population independent for their oral health. Dr. Charu Khurana (Associate Professor) as Principal Investigator along with Dr. Shourya Tandon (Prof and Head) Co-Investigator and student team members- Isha Malik (BDS Intern), Rashmit (BDS Intern), Nallini Lalwani (BDS Final Year), Mehak Bhardwaj (BDS Final Year) were awarded 3rd Position for this project in the category of “Sustainable Research and Development” at Synergy technofest organized by SGT University from 11th-13th October 2023.

Dr. Charu Khurana, Associate Professor was awarded 3rd Prize for his Scientific Oral Paper Presentation at the 15th IAPHD PG Convention which was organized by Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Pune on 20th-21st April 2024.

Dr. Charu Khurana, Associate Professor from the department of Public Health Dentistry was awarded International Travel Grant from three prestigious organizations: Colgate Travel Award, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi and Science & Engineering Research Board for her Scientific submission to 28th European Association of Dental Public Health Congress 2024. Greece.

Dr. Meenakshi Chopra
Dr Meenakshi Chopra, along with Dr Shourya Tandon, Dr Madhvi, and Mr Parveen, guided the student team of Aishley Jain, Mukul Mahalwal, Diksha Sharma, and Trisha Sharma for the project entitled “Grasp-Health Education with Sign Language” and were awarded 2nd prize for their projects at Synergy 2022, organized by SGT University from November 10th to November 12th, 2022.

Dr. Surbhi Priyadarshi
The principal investigator Dr. Surbhi Priyadarshi and co-principal investigator- Dr. Shourya Tandon and Dr. Meenakshi Chopra along with student team members comprised of – Aditi Mann (Intern, BDS), Surbhi Singla (Final Year, BDS), and Sakshi Yadav (Final Year, BDS) were awarded with 2nd prize for their novel concept of "chewing cleaners" - biodegradable and edible chewing films designed to clean and freshen oral cavity at Synergy Event organized by SGT University from November 11th - 13th October 2023.

As an esteemed academician and alumna of Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Dr. Surbhi Priyadarshi, Assistant Professor was invited to deliver a lecture titled "Dentistry: Through the Lens of an Academician and Beyond" on 18th May 2024. The event was organized for BDS undergraduate students and interns, aiming to provide insights into the diverse career opportunities within the dental profession.

Dr. Navodita Jamwal
Dr. Navodita Jamwal, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, was invited as a speaker on the topic OUTREACH DENTAL PROGRAM: TWO POINT PERSPECTIVE on February 3, 2024, at Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka. The faculty members, MDS Students and Interns were delighted with the interactions as Dr. Ashwini Rao and Dr. Ramya Shenoy, senior Public Health Dentists at Manipal College of Dental Sciences in Mangalore, Karnataka expressed their happiness for the session.

Dr. Navodita Jamwal, Assistant Professor, has been honoured by an award named as “Dr. TMA Pai Gold Medal” for Outstanding Research Publication for the year 2023, for academicians of Manipal University from UG to PhD Scholars of the University. This prestigious award was conferred at the Annual College and Awards Ceremony of Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka held on 31st August 2024.

Laurels to Public Health Dentistry for Innovation in Dentistry

Dr. Bhavna Sabbarwal, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Sciences was shortlisted and awarded as top 15 Innovations at the First Oral Health Innovation Conference held at CDER, AIIMS, New Delhi on 16 September 2019. The total number of submissions for this national event were approx 200. Awardees were provided with certificates in presence of esteemed guests Shri Sudhir Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health, Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr. OP Kharbanda Chief, CDER, Dr. Ashok Dhoble & Dr. L Swasticharan (CMO, MoHFW). Dr. Shourya Tandon as Co-author to the awarded innovation also attended the event.
For further development of the idea the team from dental have included postgradautes Dr. Tanvi, Dr. Ankita, Dr. Vikalp (Intern) and are collaborating with Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Department of Computer Science Engineering for development of the prototype of the innovation. Dr. VK Shrivastava, Dean, FET, Dr. Chitra Kaul, Head, CSE, FET and Mr. Nishant (BTech CSE) are collaborating for the same from Faculty of Engineering & Technology. The team together would develop an innovation which would be beneficial to the society at large.
"U Sumithra Ramnath Bhat Award" for Best Outreach Programme by Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry(IAPHD) awarded to Department of Public Health Dentistry, SGT Dental College, Hospital and Research Institute, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana in October 2021

Awards Postgraduates
Dr. Tanvi Bhardwaj
Dr. Tanvi Bhardwaj participated and won second Prize in Poster Making Competition on 1st Dec 2018 on Knowledge, Attitude And practice regarding preventive care among private dentists in Gurugram city at 23rd IAPHD National Conference, Modinagar.

Dr. Aanchal
Dr. Aanchal participated and won second Prize in Poster Making Competition on 14 june 2019 on Media Advocacy for Tobacco Cessationat 13th IAPHD National PG Convention at MAIDS, New Delhi.

Dr. Rahul Ahlawat
Dr. Rahul Ahlawat, postgraduate from the department of Public Health Dentistry was awarded 3rd Prize for his Scientific E Poster Presentation at the 15th IAPHD PG Convention which was organized at Pune in April 2024.

Dr. Priyanka
Dr. Priyanka participated and won second Prize in Poster Making Competition on 15TH June 2019 on Current need : Development of spatial data at 13th IAPHD National PG Convention at MAIDS, NewDelhi.

Dr. Priyanka participated and won 3rd Prize in Poster Making Competition on 1stdec 2018 on Potable Water at 23rd IAPHD National Conference, Modinagar.

The Faculty members and post graduate students from the department of Public Health Dentistry participated in webinars and online competitions on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2020. All post graduate students participated and submitted a video highlighting the different aspects of tobacco use in IEC competition organized by Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry. AnE-poster competition was organized by department of oral medicine and radiology, SGT university and theme for the competition was “protecting youth from tobacco use”. Dr. priyanka presented on ‘pandemic: an unexpected opportunity to reform habits’; Dr.Aanchal presented on ‘hazardous effects of tobacco’; Dr. Ankita presented on ‘tobacco cessation-need of the hour’; Dr. Prerna presented on ‘legal and legislative implication in tobacco cessation’. Dr. Priyanka got the second prize in e-poster competition.

Awards & Felicitations Department Alumni
Dr. Sonal Dhingra
Dr. Sonal Dhingra participated and won Third Prize in Poster Making Competition on 8th March 2016 on International Women’s Day organized by Women Studies Centre, Clinical Psychology Department, SGT University.

Dr. Sachit Pradhan
Dr. Sachit Pradhan, post graduate alumni from Department of Public Health Dentistry, won First Prize in Poster Presentation on “Tooth Bank – Preservation of Stem Cells” at CDE Program titled “ Emerging Trends in Dentistry” held at Teerthankar Mahaveer Dental College and Research Centre, Moradabad on 30th & 31st August 2014.

Dr. Esha Bali
Dr. Esha Bali, final year post graduate from Department of Public Health Dentistry, won Third Prize in Poster Presentation on “Dentine Hypersensitivity” at CDE Program titled “Future Dental Professionals Program” held at Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurgaon on 16th December 2014.

Dr. Charu Khurana
Dr. Charu Khurana, 2nd year post graduate student in the department of Public Health Dentistry was awarded with First Prize in Poster Presentation “Genetic Dentistry” on 13th march 2015 in CDE programme organised by Department of Oral Medicine And Radiology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurgaon.

Dr. Sonia Raina
Dr. Sonia Raina got the first prize for her paper on topic ‘Assessment of Oral Health and Nutritional Status Among School Children’ presented at 23rd National Conference of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry held at Divya Jyoti Dental College and Research Centre, Modinagar from 30th December to 2st December, 2018

Under Graduates List
It is indeed a step of success for Dental Public health endeavours at Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University and a huge moment for our undergraduate students Aishley Jain & Amrita Kaur who individually won consolation prizes at the social campaign, “Lets Team up! #NoTobacco”. Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) team, in association with the World Health Organization, Country Office for India, conducted webinar on tobacco control policies to identify tobacco violations on social networking sites. Almost over 50 postgraduates and undergraduates attended the webinar and participated in the final competitions where an overwhelming response was received from the youth, and the organisers received more than 1000 posts from different social networking sites as competition entries. Amrita Kaur and Aishley Jain won prizes for their efforts at the competition. The whole activity was coordinated by Dr. Shourya Tandon from department of Public Health Dentistry and Dr. Varun Arya as part of ongoing collaborations with PHFI at our end.

Scientific Awards in the Category of Posster Making, Short Video Film, Table Clinic and Manequin Challenge to Undergraduate Students guided by Dr. Charu Khurana at National IAPHD online colloquium 2020

Diksha Sharma BDS III Year student under the guidance of Dr. Charu Khurana participated in UG Poster competition category at World No Tobacco Day Conference organized by Manav Rachna Dental College Faridabad on 26th-27th May 2022 and won 1st Prize in her category for scientific poster titled Tobacco: A threat to our environment

The Department of Public Health Dentistry has been regularly undertaking initiatives on the front of Innovations in Oral Health Care. As a part of the same journey, we participated at the ‘Innovation Summit 2023’ organised by Manav Rachna Dental College, Faridabad on 27 th & 28 th April 2023 at their campus. At the scientific forum our undergraduate 4th BDS Students, Ms. Sukanya and Ms. Kanchan bagged first prize for e-poster presentation titled ‘Sensing Smell Hazards for Preventive Health’ which originated from an idea by Dr. Shourya Tandon, Professor and Head & Associate Dean, FDSC. The students showcased the working prototype of their idea too to the jury and visiting experts. He along with Dr. Meenakshi Chopra and Dr. Surbhi Priyadarshi, faculty members from Public Health Dentistry guided the students and also attended the two-day event where they all interacted and networked with galaxy of speakers for future endevours.

Ms. Muskan goyal student of BDS-Final Year successfully completed the Short Term Studentship (STS) for a period of two months during 2023 under the guidance of Dr. Surbhi Priyadarshi for the project entitled “Assessment of correlation between dermatoglyphics, blood group and dental fluorosis among paramedical students aged 18 to 35 years of SGT University, Budhera,Gurugram” and was graded as Very Good (Reference ID: 2023-10102).

Ms. Sukanya Gunwant was awarded Consolation Prize in the National Level Debate Competition – 2024 held on the account of National Public Health Dentistry Day i.e. 19th June 2024 by Yenepoya Dental College, Mangaluru.

National Level Accolade in IAPHD Event
Professional bodies have a great role in shaping the future of young professionals and upcoming students. Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry organises various events for UG and PG category ranging from research, outreach, academic achievement and essay competitions. Ms Mallika Rawat, final year student of Faculty of Dental Sciences took part in the National level essay competition and expressed her views in the form of an essay titled “Dental Practice and Entrepreneurship - Where Do We Stand”. Among 200 entries all over India, in the UG category she bagged the third place in the “IAPHD ENDOWMENT AWARD” and brought laurels for the Faculty and University at a National level. Such accolades instill great pride for the university and faculty and inspire other students to aim for glory.

Delighted to proclaim that Mehak Bhardwaj, a BDS final-year dental student, secured second place in the National Level Essay Competition for undergraduate students under IAPHD endowment award UG Category organized by Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (IAPHD) in November 2023. Her journey to success was elegantly guided by her mentor, Dr. Charu Khurana (Associate Professor) in the Department of Public Health Dentistry. The theme of the essay focused on “Health Promotion for Oral Health”.

Miss Juhi Ruth, BDS 3rd Year Student, under the guidance of Dr. Navodita Jamwal in the National level essay competition conducted by Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry has been declared First announced on 2nd September 2024. The competition was open to all BDS students from the different colleges of the country. The theme for this competition was “Challenges and Scope of Tobacco Counselling in Routine Dental Practice.