Prof.(Dr.) Rekha Phull
Professor and HOD
MD (Kayachikitsa) PhD (Kayachikitsa)
Dr Rekha Phull is working as a Professor & Head of the Department, Kayachiktsa, Faculty of Indian Medical System, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Gurugram, Haryana since 8th November'2017. Prior to this, she worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kayachiktsa at MLRA. Charkhi Dadri. She did PGDHM from NIHFW, New Delhi.She has completed her PhD in Kayachikitsa from Parul University, Gujarat in February' 2023. She completed certificate in BeST programme for cognitive behavioral skills from Oxford university in June 2020. Professional Accolades- She has participated as a “Youngest Guest Speaker” in one of the national seminar held in distt. Mandi, H.P in 2008. She has authored 5 Books and has many publications in National and International journals to her credit. She is a peer reviewer for prestigious journals like Journal of Ayurveda, IJATM and Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences. She was the Member of Board of Studies, Member of Academic council, Co-ordinator Placement cell, Co-ordinator of alumni committee, Advisor of Disciplinary Committee and NAAC Criteria 6 coordinator. Presently, she is the Member of Academic council, College Council.Hospital Development Committee and Research Co-ordinator, Chief organising secretary for National workshop on Marma chikitsa, Guide for research scholars and P.G scholars of dental department at SGT university. She chaired a session at National seminar on MND in September, 2019 and was a judge at National seminar on MutravahaSrotas disorders at CDL College, Jagadhari, Haryana. She received prestigious Dhanwantri award from VishwaAyurvedicSangathan in 2020. She has been a resource person/Guest speaker in many workshops and seminars conducted by department of AYUSH at Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. She has also delivered a lecture on Facebook live session conducted by Nirog Street. She received certificate of World Records of Excellence by International Book of Records for successful participation in Largest Class of Charak Samhita held in New Delhi on 26-05-2018.
Teaching Interests
- Clinical Demonstration of cases, Emergency Management.
Research Interests
- Marma Chikitsa, Cupping Therapy.