TeleDentistry – Tool for Oral Health Utility and Needs

Updated on: June 06, 2023


TeleDentistry diagnosis can be done via online examination and patients can be explained pharmacological management and further course of action for treatment

The focus of Public Health Dentistry remains oral health well being of the general population. It reaches to the masses and tries to increase their knowledge and involve them in solving their own oral health problems. In the present Scenario the paradigm shifts towards the usage of technology as much as possible and avoidance of close human contact.

Teledentistry refers to the use of telehealth systems and methodologies in dentistry. It brings the general population face to face with the scientific literature available on oral health through oral health experts gives the people an opportunity to learn and apply the knowledge in their lives for good oral health which in turn will lead to good general health and will enable them to lead a socially and economically productive life. Teledentistry brings the masses and the subject experts closer and defies geographical cultural and social barriers. Tele dentistry has been around for some time and now the time has come to use its potential to the fullest. Tele dentistry can be utilized for Tele-education, teletraining, telediagnosis, and teleconsultation.

Teleeducation in the form of nutritional counseling can be initiated by explaining the general population about the relation between nutrition and good oral health. Through teledentistry, the general population can be trained in proper utilization of oral hygiene aids and techniques which will enable them to prevent common dental problems and avoid interaction with the oral health care workforce and setup.

Tele diagnosis can be done via online examination and patients can be explained pharmacological management and further course of action for treatment procedures at the nearest oral health care facility. Teleconsultation is consultation using information and communication technology to omit geographical and functional distance. It can act as a tool for all practitioners, academicians, and researchers to share and discuss research problems clinical scenarios and educational methods and techniques.

Teleconsultation can help the general population by giving them an opportunity to interact with various experts in the field to gain knowledge about their oral health issues and management. Tele dentistry can be utilized easily by the people due to the presence of network capabilities and tools which are easily downloadable, is user friendly, and is cost-effective. No additional infrastructure needs to be created and with available resources, manpower, and technological help it can prove to be successful.

Dr. Abhinav Bhargava Dr. Sachin Chand

Senior Lecturer Reader

Department of Public Health Dentistry Department of Public Health Dentistry

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