What is the Major Difference Between Humans and Machines?

Updated on: Sep 22, 2023

Humans and Machines

Swati Daruka Explained What is the Major Difference Between Humans and Machines?. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology.

Some would say that humans are living beings, while the machines aren’t and that unlike machines, humans have a mind of their own. But, have you ever stopped to wonder the truth and relevance of the statement? It suddenly got me wondering…

Yes, it is true that we humans have a brain (the biological organ), but have you ever wondered how many hours in a day do we really use it, INTENTIONALLY? It is mostly working on an “autopilot mode”. Every morning, we wake up, go to work, perform a fixed (assigned) set of duties, wait for the duty hours to get over so that we can get back home, probably spend some time with our family, relax, prepare for next day’s responsibilities, and go off to sleep. I think any average person’s life does not differ much from what I just described above!

Our brain is such a wonderful organ! The more you use it, the better will it perform. However, I feel that in this technology-driven age we are becoming more and more dependent on machines, rather than our own selves. Whereas earlier, people would remember tons of information like phone numbers, current affairs, general knowledge facts, and be able to perform mental calculations in the blink of an eye! People would actually stop and think about things that matter.

These days, people usually don’t ever stop to think or absorb the environment around. To confirm, just ask yourself the names of all the things you pass by entering your office building and their descriptions. I bet most of us would not be able to do a very good job at it. Excessive interaction with machines is reducing our capacity to retain attention, and till the time we don’t attend to stimulus, perception is not possible. The human race is really losing its capacity to focus or sustain attention.

However, in the current scenario, everything is very easily obtained, as if served on a platter. We are becoming extremely lazy beings and don’t like to struggle. Want a new dress, order it online! Want to know the name of the first man who landed on the moon? Google it! Want to know what your friends are doing? Instagram will definitely have an answer (even if you don’t have one).

The current generation never wants to wait, sit idle, or to get bored (and unfortunately, it rubbed off to others as well). Why? They always have their gadgets to rely upon.

As I write this, my thoughts are running off in many different directions. After all, even I am not free from this virus and out of the practice of focusing my thoughts and concentrating on writing. I think this much is enough food for thought for today. More on this next time. Till then, keep away the gadget on which you are reading this, and try to think over the matter. Till next time….

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