Integrative wellness science and practice seminar
Updated on: April 17, 2023
Integrative wellness science and practice seminar
Integrative wellness science and practice seminar “was organized by Association of Pathology of FMHS on 17th April ,1000hr onwards. The seminar was attended by all the faculty members, PG students and students from department of pathology, Faculty of Naturopathy, and yogic sciences (FNYS) and Indian medical system. The seminar was conducted by Dr Sushil K Sharma, Glen Burnie MD, MRCP, FACC, PCRM, ASPC, Ex president Maryland Heart Association and currently programme director IWS Integrative Wellness Science and Practice Rama Krishna Mission Haridwar. The workshop was graced by Dr Shyam Singla (Advisor to SGT University), Dr Reena Nayyar (Executive Director), Dr SPS Kochar (Dean FMHS), and all HODs from FMHS.
He emphasized that lifestyle disorders are increasing and will assume epidemic proportions in near future, requiring significant National and individual resources for their management. Whereas presently the trend is to manage the abnormal recording of various tests, the emphasis should be ingraining the concept of integrative wellness in the lifestyle to comprehensively treat these diseases. The concept of integrative wellness combines dietary modifications, exercises, particularly yoga, meditation, stress management and health education.
The session lasted for over 2 hrs. It evoked considerable interest among the audience. The Dean of FNYS showed interest in collaboration with Ramakrishna mission Ashram located at Haridwar in future.