Community health nursing
Promotive, preventative, curative, rehabilitative, and maintenance of health, in our opinion, are dynamic processes that support the continuum of wellbeing among people, families, and communities. By promoting and supporting teacher and student engagement in continuing education events, we have vowed to promote their professional and personal growth. To accomplish national health goals, we agree to work together with both governmental and non-governmental groups. We consider faculty development programs to be essential for enhancing both professional and personal traits as technology advances.

- To render comprehensive, promotive, preventive curative and rehabilitative services in order to meet the health care needs of the individuals and families.
- To conducting public health research and community welfare programmes.
- To provide basic, essential primary health care services.
- To provide screening services to detect HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer cervix, hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
- To give health education services for all age groups on various health related matters. To conduct periodical surveys to identify the magnitude of health problems and to plan, execute and evaluate the health care programmes