Pediatric (child health) nursing
We, the Faculty of the Department of Child Health Nursing, prepare students to build expertise and in-depth understanding in the field of Paediatric Nursing. The department’s goal is to train students in the notion of children’s growth and development, as well as the differences in care between children and adults. A well-equipped air-conditioned laboratory with models, mannequins, instruments, and audio-visual aids facilitates the teaching-learning process. Simulation lab and LMS module learning acts as a devastating blow for the Nursing students in the clinical settings.
- To enhance understanding on growth and development of children, child psychology and modem trends and concepts in the child care.
- To demonstrate the ability to make appropriate judgment/ decisions to solve problems related to the care of children and their families.
- To participate in the preventive and curative aspects of Nursing care for the minor and major childhood diseases and disorders.
- To prepare Paediatric Postgraduate nurses occupy nurse manager / nurse clinician, nurse researcher in the clinical area / college and undergraduates as nurse consultant to work in the neonatal intensive care unit or in the paediatric intensive care unit or in general Paediatrics.