Yoga Center
Yoga is an ancient culture and Indian heritage when adopted as a way of life is claimed to bestow the practitioner with ideal physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual health. It has potential for both preventions of diseases and promotion of health.
The holistic approach of yoga brings harmony in all walks of life and also influences our day-to-day living.
It brings suitable changes in the behavioural pattern and attitude thereby helps to improve the inter-personal relationship at home and also in the society. Therapeutic benefits of yoga have also been revealed by many scientific researches carried out across the globe. Today, Yoga has become popular because of its strengths in prevention and management of many lifestyles related disorders including physiological and psychosomatic disorders.
Yoga training session for National level Kho-Kho players by FNYS

International Day of Yoga 2021-22 at Cultural ground, C-Block, SGT university

Community yoga classes: 06:30 am- 07:15 am, Cultural ground, C-Block, SGTU

Community yoga classes: 06:30 am- 07:15 am, SGT Naturopathy & Yoga Hospital

75 Lakhs Suryanamaskara under the aiegis of Haryana Yog Ayog

International Day of Yoga 2022-23 at Cultural Ground, C-Block, SGTU