National Cadet Corps

National Cadet Corps

Step up as a leader and contribute to the greater good with our National Cadet Corps (NCC). As part of this prestigious organization, you will participate in various community service initiatives, develop essential leadership skills and build a strong sense of responsibility towards society. Join hands with fellow students to make a positive impact and create lasting memories through meaningful social initiatives.

NCC History and Organization

The NCC at SGT University operates under the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948, established on 15 July 1948. The NCC is the successor to the University Officer Training Corps, which was formed by the British in 1942. The NCC Act was approved by the Governor-General, leading to the official formation of the NCC on 15 July 1948.


"I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Corps. Further, under the command and control of my commanding officer, I will participate in every camp both sincerely and wholeheartedly."

Contact Us

Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below.

Office of Students’ Welfare
Block - C, Ground Floor Room no.-004
S.G.T. University
Gurugram, Haryana-122505

Aims of NCC

Aims of NCC

  • To cultivate qualities such as character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, adventure spirit, sportsmanship, and selfless service ideals among the youth, shaping them into responsible citizens.
  • To develop a pool of organized, trained, and motivated young individuals ready to provide leadership in various sectors and serve the nation when needed.
  • To create an environment that encourages youth to pursue careers in the Armed Forces.

NCC Pledge

We, the cadets of the National Cadet Corps, solemnly pledge to always uphold the unity of India. We commit to being disciplined and responsible citizens of our nation. We will engage in positive community service with a spirit of selflessness and concern for others.

Rules of Enrollment in NCC

  • Enrollment in the NCC is entirely voluntary. Both boys and girls are eligible to join.
  • Enrollment begins at the start of the academic session, right after the completion of admissions in academic institutions.

Eligibility for Enrollment

To enroll in the NCC, boys and girls must meet the following basic conditions:

  • Must be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal, with provisions for relaxation by the Central Government in suitable cases.
  • Must possess good character.
  • Must be a bona fide student of the institution or university.
  • Must be physically and mentally fit according to the standards set by the Ministry of Defence.
  • Must not have been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude.
  • Must be under 24 years of age for enrollment in the Senior Division (previously the age limit was 26 years).
  • Must not have been dismissed from the National Cadet Corps or the Indian Armed Forces.

Screening of Senior Division (SD)/ Senior Wing (SW) Cadet

S.No Event / Test Time Marks Remarks
(i) 1.5 km Running 1. 5 min for SD Cadets (Boy)
2. 6 min 30 sec for SW Cadets (Girl)
60 2 Marks penalty for every 30 Seconds after the time.
(ii) Written Test 1 Hr 60 Written Test on General Knowledge & Awareness.
(iii) Interview 60 By CO/ANO/OIC
(iv) Bonus Marks 10 Proficient in Sports events
(v) Bonus Marks 10 Proficient in any Cultural activity
Total 200 Merit list will be Prepared and on performance for selection.
Ranks and File of NCC Cadets

Ranks and File of NCC Cadets

Upon enrollment in the NCC, a student is designated as a ‘Cadet’. Based on seniority, efficiency and proficiency in training, cadets can be promoted to higher ranks, with appropriate distinguishing insignia worn on their uniforms.

Army Wing Ranks
Senior Division/Wing:

  • Lance Corporal
  • Corporal
  • Sergeant
  • Under Officer (UO)
  • Senior Under Officer (SUO)

Pattern of Uniform

Khaki uniform consisting of a shirt and trousers, black boots, black belt and a dark green beret with a red feather hackle.


Benefits of Being an NCC Cadet

  • Membership in the world's largest youth organization, comprising 13 lakh strong.
  • Development into a disciplined and motivated individual.
  • Participation in disaster relief missions.
  • Attendance at NCC camps such as IMA, EBSB, TSC, CATC, ATC, etc.
  • Wearing the uniform and adopting a lifestyle similar to the military.
  • Participation in social awareness initiatives.
  • Preference in joining the armed forces and other services.

Duties and Responsibilities of NCC Cadets

An NCC cadet once enrolled has certain duties and responsibilities unlike his/her peers in the institution. The duties and responsibilities are towards the nation, society at large, his institution, NCC organization and to his fellow cadets too.

Duties of a Cadet

Duties of a Cadet

An NCC cadet bears additional responsibilities compared to non-NCC peers, stemming from their active membership and training. These responsibilities, though not explicitly outlined, are inherent and essential to fulfilling NCC's core objectives of nurturing leadership qualities, character development and responsible citizenship. Cadets have distinct duties towards their NCC unit, organization, institution, society and country at large. This encompasses active involvement in social awareness campaigns, environmental conservation, disaster relief efforts, adventure and sports activities and other nation-building endeavors.

These responsibilities extend beyond NCC training within their institution and must continue throughout their future endeavors. Over time, former NCC cadets are expected to assume leadership roles across various sectors, championing the noble values and objectives of NCC.


Responsibilities of NCC Cadets during Parades and Camps

  • Demonstrating self-discipline as the fundamental trait of an NCC cadet.
  • Maintaining punctuality during parades and roll calls.
  • Adhering to the commands of higher-ranking officials as a crucial duty.
  • Engaging wholeheartedly in camp activities with enthusiasm.
  • Ensuring proper grooming with a neat haircut, clean and correct uniform, polished shoes, pressed uniforms, and correct beret placement.
  • Participating in cultural activities organized by the NCC.
  • Regularly attending all NCC parades without fail.
  • Engaging in teamwork and cooperation.
  • Offering full support and cooperation to seniors.
  • Engaging in adventure activities as encouraged.

NCC Certificate Examinations

The culmination of all training in the NCC is the conduct of various certificate examinations. Passing of these NCC certificate examinations is a must for the cadets, because it is this certificates that help them to get various benefits while seeking employment in Armed Forces, Para Military Forces, Police or any other uniformed service. Private and Public sector Undertakings also prefer NCC Certificate holders for appointment to such post which require strength, endurance, courage and a sense of Duty and Discipline.

Certificate ‘B’ and ‘C’ are applicable for SD/SW cadets after completion of two to three years of NCC training. Cadets who fail in less than two subjects or who were not able to appear in ‘C’ Certificate examination are given one additional chance to appear in the following year along with other cadets. No special supplementary or compartmental examinations are held for them.

Eligibility conditions for ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate examinations are as under:

Type of Exam Year of Training Min attendance in Institutional Training Camp Attendance Remarks
‘B’ Cert (SD/SW) 02 75% One
‘C’ Cert 03 75% One ATC during 3rd Year or One Centrally organized Camp (SD/SW) or One DG NCC Course Must possess ‘B’ Certificate.

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